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A Moving Message*

by Broadway Digital LED Signs

How do you get the most results from advertising with a LED Message Center?

How do you attract the most attention possible?

The LED digital electronic message center offers a whole new way of advertising, a way to change your message to potential customers based on the day of the week, time of the day, the weather, even whether or not the Cowboys won.

Define your goal:

  • Do you want people to walk into your store?

  • Remember you for later?

  • Call you?

  • Email you?

  • Read your website?

  • Come to an event?

  • Or are you trying to promote a product?

  • Do you want neighbors to think of you as involved in the community?

Develop a strategy to meet that goal.  Don't try to accomplish too much at once.

If you display a single message, or the same group of messages repeatedly, you are not reaching the potential this medium has to promote your business.

If you display red lettered messages, when you have a palate of 281,000,000,000,000 shades and colors to use to attract attention you are short-changing yourself.  Moving colors attract attention.

Add a border around text so that it doesn't blend in with the background.

If your messages are constantly different the people who view your store the most often, people who live and  work in the area and are potentially your core customers, will look at your sign and business as an entertaining landmark.

Have a differing set of messages, ones that change morning, afternoon and evening.  You can optionally have different messages on opposite sides of the sign; “Have a Good Day” and “Welcome Home” at the same time.

Think about what your customers want at differing times of the day, week, or weather and offer it to them.

Keep messages as short and direct as possible.  Most people reading your sign are in vehicles and must absorb your message quickly.  Long or confusing messages have proven to not be effective in attracting customers.  Keep it simple and easy to assimilate at one glance.  Scrolling messages do not work.

Show prices to bring in customers.

Show pictures of products.

Advertise specials.

Display special events.

Display news and updates.

Use fast transition animations (you're not trying to show them the animation, you want to show the message).

If the message is written too small to be read easily from the distance it is viewed it will not be effective.

If you have a portable display, think of all the creative places you can advertise your business: parades, picnic, local sporting events, high school football games, church, school, meetings, garage sales, chamber of commerce meetings.  Loaning your sign to worthy causes, because of your graphics on the trailer, gains you very positive attention without the need to display messages on the actual message center.

Viewing Distances

The minimum viewing distance is the point at which the display loses its graininess.  This can vary depending on the message being displayed.

The maximum viewing distance is the point at which the smallest character which will be generated on the display becomes unreadable.  A potential solution is to generate larger characters, but this may increase the minimum viewing distance.

Desired Minimum Character Size

Reading Time

The length of time letters are readable when moving towards them.

These times are only achievable when viewing signs made with LEDs with wide viewing angles.

Many signs reading times are much shorter for the same sized letter.

 Length of Viewing Time


30 MPH

40 MPH

60 MPH

80 MPH


1.4 Seconds

1 Second

  0.7 Seconds

0.5 Seconds







1.8 Seconds

1.4 Seconds

  0.9 Seconds

0.7 Seconds







   3 Seconds

   2 Seconds

 1.5 Seconds

 1 Second







   4 Seconds

   3 Seconds

    2 Seconds

1.5 Seconds







5.5 Seconds

   4 Seconds

2.75 Seconds

   2 Seconds







   8 Seconds

   6 Seconds

     4 Seconds

   3 Seconds

Prepared by Signs Manufacturing Corporation


* Excerpted with permission from the book "How to Effectively Advertise With Your Digital LED Video Display" by Signs Manufacturing Corporation.


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